General Terms and Conditions

Platform Operator:
Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher  

Linzerstraße 26
4490 St.Florian    
 T +43 (0) 677 61458762

Legal Form: Non-Profit Association
ZVR-Number: 1239157430

Authority pursuant to the E-Commerce Act: Magistrate of the City of Vienna


Voluntary Code of Conduct: CERES

Medieninhaber, Herausgeber: Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher 

Managing Director: Gregor Hirscher (Chairman)

Zweck & Mittel: Der Zweck des Vereins ist die gemeinnützige Bereitsstellung von primärer Bildung auf Grundlage des pädagogischen Schulsystems nach Montessori. Als Mittel wird dafür unter anderem Crowdfunding, sowie der Betrieb einer Online-Plattform für Unternehmensfinanzierungen nach dem  Alternativfinanzierungsgesetz verwendet. 

§ 1 General

1.1. Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (kurz: AGB) gelten für alle auf und auf allen verbundenen Seiten (im Folgenden: Plattform) angebotenen Dienstleistungen und Services, sowie alle Verträge die mit Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher abgeschlossen werden. Sie regeln die gesamten Geschäftsbeziehungen der registrierten und nicht registrierten Nutzer mit Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher (kurz: Betreiber). Maßgeblich ist jeweils die zum Zeitpunkt des Vertragsschlusses gültige Fassung.

1.2 Deviating, conflicting or supplementary general terms and conditions shall not become part of the contract, even if known, unless their validity is expressly agreed to in writing.

1.3. Der Nutzer kann die jeweils gültige Fassung der AGB auf der Internetseite vom Betreiber www. einsehen, herunterladen und ausdrucken oder  per E-Mail oder Telefon anfordern.

1.4 The contract and business language shall be German exclusively.

§ 2 Registration

2.1 In order to conclude contracts on the platform, the User must register.

2.1.a. As far as a register and login function has not yet been technically implemented, or has been temporarily taken offline, the entry of all required data in the web store and the associated submission of the offer shall be deemed to be registration within the meaning of §2.

2.2 Registration takes place by truthfully providing the requested data about the user. Only natural persons who have reached the age of 18 and have full legal capacity are permitted to register. It is mandatory to use clear names and complete address data in the registration form.

2.3 Users are prohibited from multiple registrations. Registration confirms that the User is not yet a registered member of the Platform.

2.4 Registration with incorrect data is inadmissible and will result in immediate exclusion. The operator reserves the right to delete profiles registered with one-time email addresses (also known as "disposable email addresses") and profiles that have not been activated (by confirmation, see 2.5.) within three months without prior notice.

2.5 After successful registration, the User shall receive an e-mail from the platform containing a link for confirmation of the previously disclosed registration data. Only after the request for confirmation by means of the corresponding link in the e-mail has been successful, the registration process is completed.

2.6 The user undertakes to keep all personal data and all other data in the profile up to date at all times.

2.7 With the password received and the user names assigned during registration, it is possible to log in via the login area on the platform. Alternatively, the e-mail address can be used instead of the user name for registration.

2.8 The user is obliged to ensure that the password is not made accessible to any third party. He bears full responsibility for all actions taken via the respective profile. Furthermore, the user is obliged to immediately inform the operator of any knowledge of third parties of the respective password and any misuse of the profile.

2.9 There is no claim to use and associated registration on the platform. The operator has the right to refuse a registration without giving reasons. All data entered into the registration form up to this point will be deleted by the operator.

§ 3 Utilization

3.1. Der Betreiber ermöglicht Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher , sowie Entwicklungsbanken, sozial agierenden Mikrofinanzinstituten, Projekten mit ökologischen oder sozialen Zielen und Sozialbanken (in Folgenden auch „Unternehmen“ oder „Unternehmer“ oder „Nutzer“ genannt) die Plattform für Finanzierung (Emission) zu nutzen und mit registrierten Nutzern Verträge über den Kauf von Anleihen (im ersten Rang stehendes Fremdkapital) abzuschließen. Die Leistungen des Betreibers beschränken sich in diesem Zusammenhang ausschließlich auf die Zurverfügungstellung der Plattform, sofern der Emittent nicht Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher selbst ist. In allen Fällen, in denen  Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher nicht selbst emittiert, ist dies ausdrücklich und gut sichtbar für Kunden zu kennzeichnen. Der Verträge über den Kauf von Anleihen kommt zwischen dem jeweiligen Unternehmen und dem Nutzer zustande. Einzelheiten hierzu sind den jeweiligen Verträgen über den Kauf von Anleihen zu entnehmen.

3.2. Sämtliche sich auf der Plattform präsentierenden Entwicklungsbanken, sozial agierenden Mikrofinanzinstituten und Sozialbanken; allen voran  Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher selbst wurden durch den Vorstand basierend auf formalen Kriterien ausgewählt. (Siehe „Richtlinien zum nachhaltigen und sozial-gerechten Auswahlverfahren von Entwicklungsbanken, sozial agierenden Mikrofinanzinstituten und Sozial- & Umweltbanken von Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher “) Weiter werden alle Projektpartner anhand einer qualifizierten Vorprüfung durch externe Finanzanwälte überprüft und sind  der laufenden Internen-Revision des Aufsichtsrates unterstellt sind.

3.2a. The operator does not guarantee that the information and data presented by companies on the platform are accurate.

3.3 Users have the opportunity to decide on investments via the respective presentation of the project partners on the platform. Only after an amount has been selected, the contract for the purchase of bonds and all other documents and records relevant for the investment process have been accepted, the payment has been made via a payment service provider and a confirmation corresponding to the contractual works has been received by the User, the investment process shall be deemed to be completed. The User shall grant to the relevant Company a qualified debt loan in the first rank (Bond), provided that the minimum investment amount specified in the relevant Bond Purchase Agreement is exceeded by the date specified in the relevant Bond Purchase Agreement. If the Minimum Investment Amount specified in the Bond Purchase Agreements is not reached by the time specified in the relevant Bond Purchase Agreements, none of the parties to the Bond Purchase Agreements, including the User, shall be bound by the Bond Purchase Agreements and all mutual rights and obligations of the parties to the Bond Purchase Agreements shall be extinguished. In such a case, the amounts of borrowed capital transferred by the users will be immediately transferred back to the individual users. The details of this are set out in the respective agreements on the purchase of bonds.

3.4 The Contract Data are stored, inter alia, for the lawful exercise of the Platform Administration and Investment Management and are available at any time upon request of a User. The User may freely choose the loan amount he/she wishes to grant to the Company within the framework provided on the Platform in a range between EUR 100 and EUR 5,000 and in exceptional cases in a range between EUR 100 and EUR 500,000. For the granting of a loan in the first rank, the User may only use its own liquid funds, which must be free from third party rights and may not be pledged, hypothecated or assigned.

3.5 It is always the responsibility of the company to provide videos, data, presentations and documents (in short: information) relevant for the investment decision on the platform to the users. The operator assumes no liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.

3.6 The use of the platform is free of charge for the users. As long as the use of the platform is free of charge for the registered user, the registered user has no claim against the operator for the maintenance and operation of the platform.

3.6.a. However, a possible ongoing percentage charge relating to administrative expenses or a premium may be provided for. However, this shall be governed exclusively by the contracts for the purchase of bonds/investments.

3.7 The User decides independently and on his own responsibility whether and, above all, to what extent he invests in one or more companies. The operator does not provide any investment advice or other advice in this regard. All information on the platform regarding the individual companies does not originate from the operator and therefore does not represent a consulting service and does not replace expert advice. The Operator therefore advises the User, prior to a decision on the conclusion of the relevant contractual agreements and also during the term of the agreements on the purchase of bonds, to inform himself, if necessary, about the legal, economic and tax consequences of a qualified granting of a first-rank debt capital loan in accordance with the provisions of the relevant agreement on the purchase of bonds within the meaning of the Alternative Financing Act. Any granting of a qualified first-rank debt capital loan may nevertheless result in a total loss of the loan amount granted by the user to the respective company, despite all safety measures. The user should therefore only invest funds whose possible loss he can also afford.

3.8 Any kind of comments within the framework of the platform or the associated blogs, etc., which violate applicable laws, in particular the Federal Act on Measures to Combat Hate on the Net (Hate on the Net Combating Act BGBL I 2020/148) or are otherwise inappropriate, in particular racist, pornographic, insulting or immoral content, are not permitted. Violations of this provision may result in the user being liable for damages and/or the immediate exclusion of the user from further use of the platform.

3.9 Information and data provided by the user will only be made available to other users if the user has given his explicit consent and the corresponding data does not violate legal regulations and the underlying general terms and conditions. The operator reserves the right to randomly check the data provided.

3.10. If the operator publishes links to websites of third parties on the platform, no liability is assumed for their content. The contents of these sites are not under the influence of the operator.

3.11. In case of indications of misuse of the platform, in particular in case of contracts concluded via the platform without payment of the investments to be made according to the respective participation agreement, the operator reserves the right to exclude the user from the use of the platform with immediate effect.

§ 4 Confidentiality

4.1 The User is obligated to keep all information about the companies, as well as the provided qualified contracts for the purchase of bonds/investments including the trust agreements contained therein, respectively all other documents secret and not to make them accessible to third parties. This information may only be used by the companies for the objectives pursued with the platform and stated in these GTC. Excluded from this confidentiality obligation is information that is known to the user and/or generally known at the time of registration and/or is marked by a "social sharing function" on the platform of the operator and/or becomes known to the user later without violation of the stated confidentiality obligation. Any burden of proof for the existence of an aforementioned exceptional case lies with the user. Violations of this provision may result in the User's liability for damages and/or the immediate exclusion of the User from further use of the platform.

§ 5 Availability of the Platform and Analog Service

5.1 The aim of the operator is to enable comprehensive digital availability of the platform for the user. However, the user has no claim to such digital availability. This claim cannot be granted for technical reasons. The Operator strives to constantly develop the platform itself, but also the security of the platform, through extensions or improvements, which may lead to a temporary suspension of the services of the Operator and a limited availability of the platform. Events beyond the control of the Operator may also lead to such a measure. If maintenance work is carried out that leads to a restriction of the digital availability of the platform and the associated services, this will be indicated to the users. On the part of the User, insufficient technical equipment and/or insufficient data quality via the Internet may also lead to corresponding restrictions. The operator is entitled at any time to temporarily restrict the platform and its services if this is necessary for capacity reasons, for security reasons or for the implementation of other technical measures or if the operator deems this necessary for other reasons.

5.2 Any service on the platform operated online can also be requested in an analogous manner and in paper form. The same also applies to the conclusion of contracts.

§ 6 Notice of Termination

6.1 The user agreement entered into for the use of the platform is concluded for an indefinite period of time and can be terminated at the end of each month. The notice period to be considered is 14 working days. The User shall send the notice of termination by post or by e-mail to the postal address or e-mail address provided on the platform. Contracts concluded on the platform or analogously for the purchase of bonds under the Alternative Financing Act shall remain unaffected by this termination in all cases.

§ 7 Liability

7.1 The operator shall be liable for personal injury regardless of the degree of negligence attributed to it.

7.2 Otherwise, the operator is only liable for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence. Excluded is any liability that goes beyond the positive damage, so in particular the liability for lost profits and expected but not occurred savings of the user excluded.

§ 8 Indemnification and Hold Harmless

8.1 Users and Entrepreneurs shall indemnify and hold harmless the Operator from and against any and all claims asserted by third parties against the Operator based on an infringement of rights by the User or Entrepreneur through content published on the Platform and/or through the User's or Entrepreneur's use of the services available on the Platform. In this context, the User or Entrepreneur shall also assume the costs of a necessary legal defense of the Operator, including all court and attorney fees. In the event of a claim by a third party, the user or entrepreneur is obligated to immediately, truthfully and completely provide the operator with all information available to him that is necessary for an examination of the claims and a defense. Furthermore claims for damages by the operator against the user or entrepreneur remain unaffected.

8.2 The same shall apply mutatis mutandis to analog processing and analog conclusion of contracts.

§9 Data Privacy

9.1. Die Verarbeitung der persönlichen Daten des Nutzers erfolgt unter strikter Wahrung der datenschutzrechtlichen Vorschriften. Nähere Informationen hierzu kann der Datenschutzerklärung auf der Plattform entnommen werden. Der Nutzer stimmt zu, dass einige personenbezogene Daten an verbundene Unternehmen von Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher übermittelt werden können. Dies betrifft ausschließlich folgende Daten von Nutzern: Profildaten (diese sind: Name, Titel, E-Mail-Adresse, Geburtsdatum/Registernummer, Wohn- Geschäftsadresse, Telefonnummer, Lichtbildausweis, Kontodaten, Angaben zu Erfahrungen und Kenntnissen) und Investitionsdaten. Diese Zustimmung kann der Nutzer jederzeit per E-Mail an den Betreiber widerrufen.

9.2. Bildungsinitiative Schweitzer & Hirscher wird für diese Widerrufe ein Formular auf der Website online zu stellen, welches freiwillig vom Nutzer verwendet werden kann.

§ 10 Final Provisions

10.1 The Operator reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time and without giving reasons with future effect. The amended terms and conditions will be sent to the User by e-mail no later than four weeks before they come into force. If the User does not object to the validity of the amended Terms and Conditions within the aforementioned period after receipt of the notification of the amendment to these General Terms and Conditions, the amended General Terms and Conditions shall be deemed accepted by the User.

10.2 These GTC and the legal relationship between the Operator and the User are subject to the laws of the Republic of Austria. The place of jurisdiction of the Operator shall apply. If the User has his domicile or habitual residence in Austria or if he is employed in Austria, only the court in whose district the domicile, habitual residence or place of employment is located may have jurisdiction over a claim against a contractual partner pursuant to Sections 88, 89, 93 (2) and 104 (1) JN.

10.3 Should one or more provisions of these GTC be invalid, this shall not result in the invalidity of the entire contract. The invalid provision shall be replaced by the relevant statutory provision, i.e. dispositive law.

Version from 17.05.2021

It is of great concern to us to inform our visitors about your rights and to enable you to revoke the bonds you have purchased. For this purpose, please see (Without obligation - you can also revoke individually) our revocation forms below.
"We firmly believe that it's not enough to buy organic at the supermarket and leave the car more often."
- Rebecca Humborg, Chair of the Sustainability Committee