Our Bonds
"Only those who invest in the present invest in the future"

Montessori Schule

Anders als in Österreich ist Bildung in Thailand nicht so selbstverständlich und schon gar nicht kostenlos. Mit Ihrem Investment errichten wir eine Higher Elementary School nach dem Montessori-Prinzip im ländlichen Nordosten, einer der ärmsten Regionen Thailands.

Student Dormitory in Thailand

ducation is one of the most valuable resources today. By investing in our bonds, we are creating affordable housing for students in Thailand's capital, Bangkok.

Microcredits in Kosovo

With your investment you support the purchase of production equipment (sewing machines, seeds, tools) for hundreds of small startups and family businesses that want to create jobs and build their own livelihood.
"Our innovations are the defining Alliance with our Future."
- Johanna May, Sustainability Committee
Microcredit & Bonds?
"Test your general financial knowledge"

Knowledge is power - Only those who are well informed invest safely and profitably.

"We won't sell you anything we don't believe in ourselves. That's why we're committed to having at least 16% equity in every bond we invest."
- Rebecca Humborg, Chair of the Sustainability Committee