Due Diligience
For the European Union

The complete review of contracts for the purchase of bonds (Qualified first-ranking debt loans) under the Alternative Financing Act (AltFG), the business plan, general terms and conditions, as well as this information sheet was carried out by SDH lawyers .

The audit was conducted by Mr. Mag. Markus Stender, Attorney at Law of SDH Rechtsanwälte, Oppolzergasse 6, 1010 Vienna, www.sdh-law.at.

Audited within the meaning of Section 4 (9) AltFG with regard to completeness, comprehensibility and coherence.

For Kosovo

The complete review of financial contracts in Kosovo, as well as the verification of the collateral were carried out by Hodaj & Partners LLC - lawyers. .

"Leaving your savings in a savings account inevitably means losing money in the long term. There won't be any good interest rates any time soon. In the long term, therefore, it will no longer be possible to save for financial growth, but to earn this through social and thoughtful investment!"
- Gregor Hirscher, Chairman & CLO