Our Vision
"Big projects need even bigger visions"
Maximum Common Welfare
The resources on our planet are not evenly distributed. Unfair trade agreements create dependencies, which in turn create enormous inequality. For example, the European Union alone produces 32.5% of the world's exports and this on an area of just 2.8%. We stand for an investment process where both sides profit both sides profit equally from the business and thus the common good worldwide increases.
Protection of the Environment
We are firmly convinced that it not enough to buy organic products at the supermarket and and to leave the car at home more often. Because money in particular has an enormous influence on the development of the environment and society. We therefore show a solution how each person can manage his or her assets in a socially just and environmentally friendly and generate real added value. value.
Creating Empowerment
Despite adequate education, it is often women who do not find adequate employment or who receive less for the same work as their male colleagues. We are stepping up our efforts to ensure that the funds you invest support projects that are led by women.
Sustainable Money Cycle
A development measure is only sustainable if its social, economic and environmental consequences are taken into account and possible compromises, synergies and side effects are are weighed up. We therefore ensure that all measures are implemented with the instruments and with the support of the relevant partners are developed, implemented and accounted for.
Fairness & Trust
The lack of confidence in less solvent market participants is driving interest rates for used capital to prohibitively high levels. A vicious circle, as excessive interest rates put projects in distress, which suddenly turns money lending into speculation. We stand for fairness and allocate our funds on equitable conditions in order to offer people a perspective. The lending company can operate successfully, which guarantees repayment. is guaranteed.
"We stand for an investment process where both sides benefit both sides benefit equally from the business, thus increasing the global increases."
- Rebecca Humborg, Chair of the Sustainability Committee
Our Mission
"Goals are Dreams with Deadlines"
Growth & Strength
We invest in companies, companies and projects in which we can sustainable innovation and social justice experience - and thus also in our own future. We create social capital, by helping young people in young people to reach their their full potential develop their full potential, entrepreneurship and communities strengthen.
Equitable Financial Market
The Schweitzer & Hirscher Development Association has been working since the year 2020 for the fair distribution of financial resources and the opening of the financial market for all participants of all income and social statuses. Because free access to capital always means growth, self-determination and justice.
Customer Satisfaction
The commitment of our members and active contributions to the socio-political discourse strengthen the impact of our initiatives. We combine our performance culture with a culture of responsibility. Our customers are not only financially successful, but also generate a real social generate a real social impact.
European Banking Concession
Within 5 business years we reach a share capital of 5 million euros and we apply for the bank concession in order to be able to offer even more services and thus innovative solutions.
"We are creating social capital by helping young people reach their full potential, fostering unleash their full potential, foster entrepreneurship and strengthen communities."
- Gregor Hirscher, Chairman & CLO