Our Guarantees
"Goals that will change our World"
Sustainable Development Goals
We align our processes and corporate strategies with the SDG goals, because the Sustainable Development Goals in particular have the potential to influence the well-being of all humanity. In this way, Schweitzer & Hirscher Development Association contributes to the active development of small businesses and self-employed individuals in developing regions.
Direct Influence
Due to Investments
Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies
With a voluntary commitment to compliance and strict monitoring of the principles, we are part of the CERES community, which is of central importance to us. For instances, the Sustainability Committee has been expanded to include expertise in environmental engineering so that we can also address ecological issues in a more targeted manner. In our work, Schweitzer & Hirscher Development Association, as a finance company, pays special attention to all Ceres Principles:
- Protection of the Biosphere
- Moderate use of natural Raw Materials
- Waste Reduction and Disposal
- Efficient use of Energy
- Health Protection for the Workplace and Surroundings
- Safe Products and Consumer Protection
- Liability and Compensation
- At least one Environmental Expert in Management
· Jährlicher Rechenschaftsbericht
*Current Goal; Joining in Progress.
"Impact investing not only generates competitive returns by means of interest-bearing return on capital, but also actively pursues opportunities for social environmental governance through measurable, high-impact solutions."
- Johanna May, Sustainability Committee