Investors' Right of Participation
"Join us in deciding the path we will take in the future"
Right of Interpellation & Active Participation in Management Meetings
The management (governing body of the company) of the Schweitzer & Hirscher Development Association meets regularly. At these meetings of the management there is the possibility for all investors to follow our debates via Zoom twice a year.
Active Participation in the Annual General Meeting
At the Annual General Meeting (the highest body of the Company), the most important key points of the Company are determined. - You are entitled to participate in the following points within the scope of your voting rights:

                    § Right of Resolution for Destination Countries
                    § Veto right against Target Countries
                    § Right of Resolution on Guidelines for Project Allocation
                    § Resolution Right for Project Categories
                    § Veto Right against Project Partners
                    § Obtaining an Appointment of Auditors
                    § Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting

§ Right of Resolution for Destination Countries
§ Veto right against Target Countries
§ Right of Resolution on Guidelines for Project Allocation
§ Resolution Right for Project Categories
§ Veto Right against Project Partners
§ Obtaining an Appointment of Auditors
§ Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting

General Right of Resolutions
Each investor has a general right of resolution vis-à-vis the management throughout the financial year. They can contribute their own ideas to the company. The goal here must be to be able to reshape the world a bit with active investors as a community and to take responsibility together. We do not expect blind trust on the part of our customers, but want to provide information about decision-making and development processes within the company.
Special Right of Resolution
Each investor has a special right of resolution vis-à-vis the Supervisory Board during the entire financial year. He may raise his concerns regarding the conduct of business of the Company or the management with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the first chamber.
Election of the Supervisory Board
One member of the supervisory board of the first chamber is determined exclusively by the investors of the Schweitzer & Hirscher Development Association. Each investor can thus participate in this decision.
"We cordially invite you to make use of your rights to have your say. Because only together can we advance our vision and thus work toward an improved future."
- Gregor Hirscher, Chairman & CLO